About the project

I started building this website because I want to help define the cuisine of the Pacific Northwest and the greater Northwest through its unique climate and geography. Our corner of the world offers its own unique possibilities and a wealth of ingredients to cook with. My goal is to collect information that is pertinent to our local communities.

The project started with my personal reading and research. I felt it might be more useful if I compiled my notes into a shareable format. I edit this site live, in my spare time, so there may be unfinished sections popping up here and there. Thanks for your patience while I work on this passion project.

About me

Hey, I’m Ian Glück. I was raised moving back and forth between Europe (France and Belgium) and the US (California, Texas, and Georgia) before I left home and moved back to the Bay Area. I eventually moved to Portland in 2016 and settled down with my partner Sara.

I’ve worked in restaurants my whole life, primarily as a cook. I’m currently bartending in Northeast Portland.